Christina McMillan is a university student who attends St Michael's Anglican in Wollongong and volunteers one day a week to teach SRE at Smith's Hill High School.

"I love being able to go into the school and tell the kids about Jesus.  I think it's an amazing opportunity. To have the opportunity to do that, it just seems silly not to take it."

At the moment though, Christina feels slightly out of her depth as she has not had any theological training to date.

"The kids at this school are very bright, and some of them know more about the Bible than me, but aren't Christians, [so] to have some training would be hugely helpful."

Christina is just one of many Christians who will be able to benefit from The Timothy Partnership " a new collaborative venture between Anglican Youthworks and Presbyterian Youth to be officially launched on Wednesday 25th November.

The Timothy Partnership provides the Diploma of Theology by distance to anyone in Australia through an interactive online learning environment.

Designed to keep people ministering wherever God has them, the Distance Diploma will equip students with an in-depth theological foundation as well as practical applications for their current ministries.

Rev Graham Stanton, Principal of Youthworks College says The Timothy Partnership is unique in the way that it offers high quality training in a local context; connecting you with resources, expert practitioners and other people in other places who are learning in the same environment.

"I'm excited by the potential that comes from bringing together two trusted and experienced institutions like Youthworks College and Presbyterian Youth to see Christians trained and equipped for ministry, all across this state, across the country and throughout the world", says Mr Stanton.

Those who are expected to benefit from the Distance Diploma include SRE Teachers and Chaplains employed with Genr8; MTS workers; university students, mothers, workers and early retirees involved in volunteer ministry; and residents of both regional and rural areas with limited access to ministry training.

"I'm personally excited about being involved in the Partnership", says Murray Norman, General Manager of Presbyterian Youth.

"I grew up in the country and thinking about getting real training in the Bible in my local church, in my local community is just amazing.  I couldn't even have imagined that when I was growing up and to have that now is just really exciting."

The Timothy Partnership will be holding a Celebration Launch on Wednesday 25 November, 7:30pm at the Presbyterian Theological Centre for anyone exploring how the Distance Diploma might benefit themselves or their church.