Christian businessmen and women who want to see their relationship with Christ take over the way they work are calling on similarly minded spiritual entrepreneurs to meet them in Willoughby this weekend.

A team of city workers based at St Stephens’ Anglican Church have formed a new fellowship called the Marketplace Connection which meets in the parish hall at 6.00 pm, the second Sunday of every month.

The group aims to help Christians recognise their calling as disciples of Jesus in their everyday work as they think through their occupations from a Christian perspective.

But Marketplace Connection goes one step further than promoting ‘water-cooler evangelism’.

Its program encourages believers to gain a fresh understanding of what the Bible reveals about faith and work.

This week the director of the Macquarie Christian Studies Insitute, Gordon Preece, will be tackling the topic Who’s your Real Boss? - Revolutionising Relationships at Work as he unpacks Ephesians 6:8-9.

Marketplace Connection is open to all interested parties and finishes its evening with fellowship over a meal.

For more information email Adrian McComb or ring him on 02 9417 0834.

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