It’s summertime and we’re getting out into the sunshine, sharing the good news of the gospel and diving deep in understanding the word of God. With the weeks packed with camps, conferences and missions, we’ve put together an eight-day prayer diary featuring some of the great kingdom initiatives that we can bring before the Lord. 

Join us in praying daily for people to know Christ and grow in him! 

Day 1: SUFM

Throughout December and January, all over NSW

Scripture Union sends teams of Christians to spread the gospel to holidaymakers in beach and rural towns across the state. This season there are 24 mission teams, made up of more than 1200 volunteers, running children’s programs, family events and gospel activities in campsites, caravan parks and town centres. More than 15,000 people are expected to come along to mission activities and hear the gospel. 


  • that God will soften people’s hearts and open doors for gospel conversations
  • for the teams building and rebuilding relationships after years of upheaval, with COVID and natural disasters impacting regular Scripture Union Family Missions
  • for safety ahead of a risky bushfire season
  • for leaders and volunteers, especially for those who are new, that God would grow and equip them, and help them use their gifts to lead missions into the future 

Day 2: CMS Summer School

January 4-10, Katoomba

CMS Summer School is a global mission conference with a focus on growing hearts for long-term crosscultural mission. Over 3000 attendees begin their year with in-depth Bible teaching, encouraging missionary sessions, corporate worship and a youth and children’s program that gets young people thinking about the role they can play in global mission. 


  • that God would use the conference to cultivate partnership, motivate participation and set apart those seeking to serve in mission
  • that the missionary sessions would inspire people to action in supporting global mission
  • that youth and children will be impacted by God’s heart for the nations

Day 3: SYC (Summer Youth Camp)

Fairfield SYC – January 6-10, Springwood | Cabramatta SYC – January 7-10, Stanwell Tops

SYC (Summer Youth Camp) is an evangelistic camp for teenagers and their friends, packed with adventure and gospel truth. Teens spend time making new friends, experiencing new things and exploring the hope Jesus offers. SYC camps have been running for 20 years. This summer will have two camps, co-ordinated independently by St Barnabas’, Fairfield and Cabramatta Anglican. 


  • for teens at SYC to respond to the good news of Jesus 
  • for good rapport and relationships to build quickly between leaders and youth
  • for effective follow up post-camp, and for many young people to connect with local church youth groups to continue growing in their faith

Day Four: The Green Tent & NIGHTLIFE

January 13-17, South Turramurra

The local parish of St Philip’s reaches out each January to the people of South Turramurra and neighbouring suburbs with its fun filled, gospel-focused programs. The Green Tent is a daytime program to connect primary school kids with Jesus and explores the good news of the gospel. NIGHTLIFE is for junior high schoolers, providing a space for dinner, games and exploring what the Bible has to say in a talk and small group discussions. Last year their daytime program hit max capacity. 


  • for the significant number of volunteers and leaders involved in this ministry. Pray they will feel supported, encouraged and equipped to serve Jesus 
  • for families to return to the daytime program, and for many high schoolers to come in the evenings
  • for new connections to be made between local families and the St Phil’s community, that follow-up would be smooth and effective, and that many families would join the parish’s weekly kids’ and youth ministries once the school term begins 
  • that over the course of the week many young people would come to know Jesus, grow in their understanding and want to follow him for life 


January 14-17, Hoxton Park

SWEATCON is a Bible training conference for every Christian, equipping people in southwest Sydney to know, teach and share the message of Jesus with others. Over 130 people from a number of churches across the southwest will attend the day sessions to grow in their Bible knowledge, while at evening sessions more than 200 people hear solid Bible teaching and connect with other Christians in their area. 

The aim is to build up Christians for service in southwestern Sydney churches, which are often resource-poor, and equip people to talk about Jesus with their colleagues, neighbours and networks.  


  • that delegates will be equipped to serve and teach the Bible in many under-resourced churches in southwest Sydney
  • for delegates to use what they learn to share the gospel in their families, workplaces, and crossculturally in their communities 
  • for the children’s programs and leaders as they continue with their preschoolers’ program and reintroduce primary school and high school programs for the first time since COVID

Day Six: Leaders in Training Conference

January 22-26, Port Hacking | January 26-30, Port Hacking

Youthworks Leaders in Training has been growing youth in years 9-12 as Christians, as leaders and as servants of Jesus since the early 2000s. More than 700 youth are registered to attend and explore 2025’s theme of Our Crucified King. 


  • for good partnerships with the 170 local churches who support LiT by sending their teens to be trained, and supplying leaders to help run the camps 
  • for the young leaders, that they will be raised up in the gospel and strengthened for a life of discipleship and ministry for Jesus, wherever he sends them
  • that what is done at LiT might be a blessing for local churches and help them do effective children’s and youth ministry. 

Day Seven: Life Saving Chaplaincy Australia

All summer, beaches everywhere

Our beaches are always busy in the heat of January, but the water can be a dangerous place. There are more than 60 chaplains who care for surf lifesavers across Australia, working closely with various lifesaving clubs. These chaplains walk alongside surf lifesavers in the various challenges and griefs that their vital role can bring. In the Sydney Diocese, there are eight Anglican chaplains involved with surf lifesaving clubs up and down the coast.  


  • for protection and safety in the waters for all beachgoers and surf lifesavers
  • for wisdom and words as chaplains support the lifesavers who have been on the front line, rescuing and attending to people hurt or in danger
  • Praise God for the opportunities chaplains have to uniquely care for surf lifesavers and their families and offer spiritual guidance and resources to those who want them
  • for great conversations about Jesus at lifesaving events, including the NSW Surf Life Saving Championships at Freshwater and in Queenscliff in February-March. 
  • for the growth of prayer and Bible reading groups in surf lifesaving clubs

Day Eight: Launch Conference

February 3-6, Stanwell Tops

Launch is a place for Christian school leavers about to start university to connect with each other, with current university students, and with a number of Christian campus groups at each of Sydney’s major universities. It’s a place for young people to work out what it means to align their priorities to God’s in this next phase of life, while meeting others who are doing the same thing. 


  • that Launch would help a new generation of school leavers live for Jesus 
  • for the team of students from many different universities to be united in the gospel as they prepare to lead on the camp