Last week I hosted a 'Church Communications Meet-Up'. It brought together a range of people from across the region, who are passionate about communicating the gospel using all forms of modern media. 27 people attended from churches and ministries including Hope 103.2, AFES, CMS and the Bible Society.

The format of the night was simple:

  1. Networking over pizza.
  2. A time of sharing communications ideas and experiences (something you've done, seen, or would like to do/see).
  3. A time for questions.

You can read a summary of the meet-up and the topics discussed here.

It was a great night (if I can say so myself!), that highlighted a couple of key things for me.

  1. The joy of fellowship across churches and ministries. It was wonderful to meet with people who share my passion for communication. It is energising to meet with people who have similar gifts and passions.
  2. Churches need help communicating. I'm conscious this statement may be perceived proud or condescending - please know that I don't intend it to be. But as I speak with people from different churches and ministries, I see a growing awareness of needs. The need for a website (or one that is regularly maintained and serves  newcomers). The need to understand social media. The need to communicate with a society that is increasingly unchurched. The need for outreach ideas that extend beyond a . The need to regenerate a church that is struggling with an ageing population. 
  3. The benefits of working together. This is connected with the point above. As I've written about previously, we need to pull ourselves out of silos and start working together. The shared experiences of people in similar situations is invaluable, inspiring and so much more helpful than repeating the same mistakes. God has also gifted His church with many gifted people, who can share their skills at more than just the church they attend. 

I think there is a tremendous potential for us to experience joy in working together, across churches and ministries, to communicate the gospel to a city that needs Jesus. 

I'm hoping to organise a similar get-together soon, based on feedback and the needs shared by those who attended the event. If you're interested, I'll let you know when the next event takes place. 

Or, perhaps you'd like to organise something similar, gathering together people in a ministry area you're passionate about. What other areas of ministry would benefit from this type of get together?