A packed Memorial Service has been told Bishop Dudley Foord was a 'real leader' who will continue to shape the Diocese of Sydney in years to come.

The Rt Rev Dr Dudley Tucker Foord died on September 10, 2013 at the age of 90.

He was variously a Moore College lecturer, Rector, Bishop, Church consultant and pioneer who helped start ministries like South Africa's George Whitefield College and the Katoomba Men's Convention.

A service of Thanksgiving at St Andrew's Cathedral on Wednesday 18th September was led by Archbishop Glenn Davies and attended by his widow Elizabeth and hundreds of family, friends and those who Bishop Foord ministered to and with.

Sons Martin and Jeremy gave eulogies and his other children Nick and Cath prayed and read the Bible.

Jeremy Foord summed up his father's attitude and enthusiasm "I recall someone asking him as he neared his 80th Birthday "Dudley, are you ever going to retire?" Without hesitation Dad's response was - 'Never! I want to wear out instead of rusting away'."

In his sermon, former Archbishop of Sydney Dr Peter Jensen paid tribute to his (and wife Christine's) teacher at theological college.

In one of the lighter moments, Dr Jensen recalled a 1963 EU Mission with the title 'God drives a Foord'.

"John Chapman was the itinerant evangelist - Dudley was, if you like, the parish evangelist. I don't mean he was stuck in a parish, but he certainly showed us how to run a parish" Dr Jensen said. "Both John and Dudley are notable diocesan leaders, real leaders of the diocese, who shaped us and will continue to shape us in the years ahead".

Photo: After the service, Mrs Elizabeth Foord with Dr Jensen and Archbishop Davies

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