“How long does it take to get to Bathurst?” I asked Sam, our fearless mission leader.
“About 3 hours " if you stick to the speed limit,” he replied.
“Ok, if I get there before 5pm, you’ll know I need to repent.”
About 6 months ago, Christians in the Media and Annandale Community Church began planning a mission to Bathurst, in conjunction with Bathurst Evangelical Church and Bathurst Community Church. It’s a nine-day mission, with 35 of us heading out to Australia’s home of V8 motor sport.
I’m co-leading one of three sections. That involves a fair bit of admin, ringing people, emailing them all the time, that sort of thing. Not really what I enjoy, so early on I said to my co-leader, “Carrie, I’m more of a ‘big picture’ sort of a guy. Is it ok if you chase up the details?”
To my astonishment she agreed and it has been a very harmonious partnership. We have both contributed " Carrie has done most of the work, and I’ve brought a certain gravitas to the meetings.
“Dad, are you feeling sick?” asked my youngest son.
“No, I’m practicing my gravitas you impudent child. Be gone!”
I have another job on mission " I’m going to be blogging about it for sydneyanglicans.net My editor is Joseph Smith, a man whose parents had obviously never heard of the Mormons.
I gave Joe a call* " it was hard to hear him as there was a movie on loudly in the background. I think it was "Friday the 13th'.
“Joe, it's Craig. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to write…”
“Yeah, yeah, just send me lots of pictures.”
“Well, I’m no photographer…”
“Just send me pictures, ok?” He was listening to loud music now. The subtleties eluded me, but I think it was post-hardcore/alt/grunge/metal.
“Look Joe, I really need some direction here…”
“What?” he yelled above the music.
“Never mind,” I said, and hung up.
But now the countdown is over. Tonight I will go to bed and dream of V8’s and digital cameras. Tomorrow, I’ll pack my guitar, my Bible, 6 bottles of Coke Zero and then head for Bathurst. Mission on!

*Editor's note " some of the following dialogue and situations may have been embellished by our "creative' blogger.

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