The Rev Dr Mark Short has been commissioned as National Director of The Bush Church Aid Society of Australia (BCA) at a service held in Sydney.

Dr Short comes to the position from St Paul’s Anglican Church in Wagga Wagga. He replaces Rev Canon Brian Roberts, who served in the position for 18 years.

The service, at St Phillip's York St, was attended by 150 people including The Most Rev Dr Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney, The Rt Rev Dr Peter Brain, Bishop of Armidale and BCA President, The Rt Rev Dr Glenn Davies, Bishop of North Sydney and The Rev Rick Lewers, Bishop-elect of Armidale.

Dr Short and his wife, Monica, were welcomed to BCA with gifts from each Australian state and territory.

“Monica and I were greatly encouraged and humbled by the kindness shown to us… and the timely reminder to remain committed to the cross-shaped mission, which is at the heart of BCA,” Dr Short said. “I am looking forward to meeting with more of our supporters and field staff around the nation and seeing how they are putting into practice our vision of reaching Australia for Christ.”

Dr Short is hopes to use his new role to see the work of BCA grow.

“For a long time we have been passionate about proclaiming the gospel in rural areas,” he told earlier this year. “There are wonderful opportunities for ministry in Australia. Under God we want to support and encourage ministry and see people come to Christ.”

BCA works in many remote areas and communities around Australia, sharing the gospel with people who otherwise would not have any contact with it.

“There are many challenges we face,” Dr Short said. “Fly in, fly out workers in mining communities is a big one… It’s not always easy to make connections with these people and make Christ know to them. I hope that in the future our ministries in these communities as well as other parts of rural and regional Australia will grow.”

There is one particular area that Dr Short is passionate about seeing BCA evolve.

“BCA already does great work in indigenous communities, but I am looking forward to growing and developing this ministry,” he said.

 Photo - (Alison Pearce, BCA): Dr Peter Brain with Dr Short and his wife Monica

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