The new Bishop of Wollongong Peter Hayward starts work today after a hectic three months finishing ministry at Beverly Hills and preparing for two family marriages.

Peter and Julie Hayward move to Wollongong as ‘empty nesters’ to take up the next stage of ministry as the area’s chief pastor.

The Bishop-elect says he is "excited, daunted, apprensive and motivated".

He told the diocesan newspaper ‘Southern Cross’ soon after his appointment that it’s not such a major change.

"At the end of the day it's the same ministry I've been doing, just a very different context. The bishop is still primarily a pastor " prayer and preaching is the main thing."

The first order of business across the desk today is preparing for his consecration next week.

Archbishop Peter Jensen has issued an open invitation across the Diocese for people to attend the consecration service in St Andrew’s Cathedral at 7pm, Tuesday, 13th April.

Dr Jensen said “I’d encourage everyone to be in prayer as Peter takes up this vital ministry. It would be a great encouragement to see as many people as possible showing their support in the Cathedral next Tuesday.”

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