The Coalition for Marriage (C4M), the leading voice for the plebiscite NO campaign has launched its official campaign website. has been unveiled at the start of the first full week of campaigning for the upcoming plebiscite on whether gender should be removed from the Commonwealth Marriage Act.

The Coalition is comprised of more than 80 groups from across Australia, representing over 3 million people.

It is led by four groups, the Australian Christian Lobby, Marriage Alliance, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney and the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.

The Bishop of South Sydney, Bishop Michael Stead, represents the Archbishop in the Coalition.

Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, Lyle Shelton, described the formation of C4M as a significant step in the marriage debate. “For too long, Australians who are uncomfortable with the redefinition of marriage, or are unsure about the consequences for education and free speech have been silenced. This campaign is the opportunity for Australians to be informed and have their say on the consequences of changing the Marriage Act – the impact on free speech, the impact on what our kids are taught at school.”

“The coming together of family and community organisations, the partnering of faith-based communities with non-religious ones, and the diversity of the 3 million people they represent shows them that they are not alone.”

Damian Wyld, CEO of Marriage Alliance said: “Though we are many different groups, some of faith, some not, we all believe in the importance of freedom of speech, religion, and the total rejection of radical sex education programs in our schools. We now stand together and encourage the community to stand with us in our campaign.”

In addition to the four lead organisations, C4M includes the Australian Family Association, Australian Chinese for Families Association, Doctors for the Family, the National Civic Council, and Christian Schools Australia, concerned about the impact on their freedom to teach, as well as representatives of other family, community and ethnic groups across the country.

In the coming weeks, C4M will hold campaign events across the country and it has begun actively requesting support at the website

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