Twin brothers Blaise and Morgan are one of thousands of young campers looking forward to the Crusaders Summer Camp season.

At just 11 years of age, twin brothers Blaise and Morgan have been telling everyone they know about the CRU Camp "Easyriders' that they attended in the Spring School Holidays.

"All of the activities are always different and you do stuff that not many other kids get to do during the holidays," says Morgan.

"They're just so exciting and there are so many fun activities and you get to meet lots of cool people," Blaise says.

"CRU Camps' is the division of The Crusader Union of Australia which has been running safe, fun and affordable Christian camps for kids aged 8 to 18 since 1930. With a wide choice of over 50 activity camps each year, kids are guaranteed to find something they enjoy.

Over 600 young volunteer leaders from various churches across Sydney staff the 50 CRU Camps each year.

The camps provide a powerful Christian witness to the campers thanks to the love, care and passion for fun that the leaders share with them and Blaise and Morgan both immensely value the CRU leadership team.

"They're so good, they've all got different personalities and sometimes you meet the same leaders that have led you on different camps," Blaise says. 

"Yeah, none of them ever yell…they're not like teachers and they're really nice. You can ask them any questions you like and they'll answer it personally for you," Morgan adds.

As well as mastering the various graded dirt bike tracks, testing their skill at activities like archery, making friends with the 50 other campers and enjoying lively night games, the twins both agree that the most important part of the Easyriders CRU Camp was learning about God.

Both boys even made commitments to Christ on the CRU Camps.

Because neither of the brothers attends a Church or youth group, their knowledge and love of God has completely come from the many Bible talks and discussion groups they've heard on CRU Camps since they were in Year Three.

"On Easyriders we learnt about how happiness fades, but joy is eternal, and if you believe in Jesus and ask for forgiveness you will go to heaven," Blaise says.

"You learn about God and that it is possible to be saved," Morgan adds.

For Crusaders leaders testimonies like that of Morgan and Blaise define the purpose of CRU Camps.

The CRU Camps have definitely given the brothers a taste for Christian fellowship.

"I'd like to go to church and a youth group…I'd like to learn more about God," Blaise says.

Crusaders have 20 CRU Camps on offer for kids in School Years 3-12 staffed by over 400 leaders during this summer.

For more information, or to make a booking, visit the Crusaders website or call 02 9874 8933.

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