The Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, has called on all orthodox Anglican bishops to boycott Lambeth.

"I would urge those bishops who believe that unrepentant active homosexuality is wrong not to compromise their own beliefs, the scriptures, the church of God and the holiness of Christ.  If they have already accepted the invitation they should repent and apologise.  It is not good to go back on your word. But you should not have given it in the first place."

Dean Jensen was speaking at a special briefing at St Andrew’s Cathedral Chapter House on Friday about the events surrounding the Sydney Bishops decision not to attend Lambeth.

In the other briefings, the Rev Dr Mark Thompson, President of the Anglican Church League, gave a synopsis of recent developments in the Communion, Robert Tong, formerly an Australian representative on the Anglican Consultative Committee, explained the purpose of the Lambeth conference as a symbolic fellowship gathering and Russell Powell, the Sydney Diocesan media officer, spoke about the Gafcon conference.
The full text of Dean Jensen's speech and MP3s of all four briefings are now available online.
Dean Jensen said the reputations of any bishops " who go to Lambeth knowing that unrepentant homosexual activity is wrong' will "always be tarnished'. 

"Attending is to fellowship with false teachers in their wicked work. It cannot help but diminish faithful Christians’ confidence in you as a leader. To believe otherwise is a further illustration of the naivety, which leads you to attend," he said. 

Dean Jensen said the American bishops agenda in attending Lambeth in 2008 is to force the Anglican Communion to overturn the decision to uphold the orthodox teaching on homosexuality at the last conference.

"This is not the first round of a debate. It has been going on for years.  They are not ignorant of alternative viewpoints.  They came last time for the final debate and they lost. They come this time with an action that they refuse to repent of. The American bishops did not listen last time they will not listen this time," he said.

Significance of Gafcon

Russell Powell, the Diocesan media officer, explained why the Sydney bishops the Gafcon conference in Jordan and Jerusalem is so significant.

While pointing out that Gafcon was never envisioned as an alternative Lambeth, he explained it is an attempt to move beyond divisive internal debates and focus on the future of mission throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The gathering will be in two parts " there will be a consultation in Jordan from June 18 to 22, which will include the conference leadership, theological resource group, those bishops serving in majority Islamic settings and other key leaders.

Archbishop Peter Jensen and the Rev Dr Mark Thompson will represent the Diocese of Sydney at the Jordan consultation.

The rest of the contingent will join in the Jerusalem pilgrimage, which will focus on worship, prayer, discussions and Bible Study. That will be June 22 through to the 29.

It is anticipated that there may be up to 1,000 people in attendance.

He explained that attendance at Gafcon is by invitation only.

"Each leader is responsible for invitations in their area and our Archbishop is responsible for 50 invitations in Australia and 10 in New Zealand." 

"The clergy and lay invitees will be from a variety of backgrounds, including church planters, those who have taken mission initiatives, those involved in poverty work and those involved in theological education. It is anticipated these will be key people and many will be the next generation of leaders."

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