Archbishop Peter Jensen’s weekly online series on The Essential Jesus (the gospel of Luke). In each study the Archbishop will lead us through the book we intend on giving away to as many people as possible.


Read Luke chapter 7, verses 1-30.

John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and identified him as the Christ. Now, imprisoned, he asks whether he was right. Jesus indicates the great works being done through him, including raising the dead and preaching the good news to the poor. These are the promised signs that God is keeping his word. Strangely, God's people are slower than outsiders, or 'Gentiles,' at trusting the word of Jesus. The Roman Centurion had real faith.  It is the old paradox that in spiritual things it is the humble and the humbled who understand best. Now the kingdom brought by Jesus is arriving, and even John the Baptist, as last of the old prophets, is less than the weakest in it. It is a great and joyous experience to be a disciple of Jesus. The sinners who listened to John understood this. They had nothing; they were given everything.

1 Analyse the faith of the Centurion. Why did Jesus praise it?
2 Analyse repentance. Why did the Pharisees and religious leaders reject God's purposes fro themselves?
3Why is important that the list of mighty works mentioned by Jesus reflect Old Testament passages such as Isaiah 29:18 and 35:5,6?

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