Anglican Aid is making an final appeal for donations to the Horn of Africa famine appeal before  the Federal government's aid-doubling offer expires at the end of November.

In October, the Federal Government's AUSAID program announced dollar-for-dollar donation matching for the months of October and November.

That meant the government donates one dollar for every dollar the public gives to appeals run by AusAID-accredited non-government organisations working to alleviate the food crisis in the Horn of Africa. The Archbishop of Sydney's Anglican Aid was one of the accredited organisations.

(video - David Mansfield talks about the response to the Horn of Africa Appeal)

The director of Anglican Aid, David Mansfield says the response by churches has been very encouraging and gratifying, with a variety of funding-raising events and appeals being conducted across Sydney diocese. The initial target of half a million dollars is likely to be reached, some of the aid being multiplied by the federal offer.

But Mr Mansfield warns the famine crisis is predicted to be long term and 'great need' will continue well into next year. He says he hopes the good response of churches continues throughout this month, so as to take advantage of the federal government's offer.