In its 50th year, the Sydney Diocese newspaper, Southern Cross, has won five awards from the Australian Religious Press Association.

The newspaper, with a distribution of more than 23 thousand copies a month and a readership of 50 thousand, has been recognised by the Association, which includes  journalists and editors in Christian publications from across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.

The highest award for illustration went to Southern Cross Art Director Steve Mason, for his original cartoon for the article 'The Atheists are coming'. 








Southern Cross was also given the Silver Award for most improved publication, and a bronze for Jeremy Halcrow's 2010 article "SRE: Can we afford to lose it".

The mini magazine of Connect09 ideas, 'The A-Z of Connecting' earned a bronze award and Mr Mason was again highly commended in the Best Front Page category for the Southern Cross issue on Sex.

The night's major prize, the Gutenberg award, went to the Lutheran magazine, published in Adelaide.






Anglican Media Sydney CEO Russell Powell and Art Director Steve Mason.

The awards followed the ARPA conference at the weekend in Adelaide and were presented by Neil Daniel from Ansvar, sponsor of the awards and Peter McGuigan from the Salvation Army, who is president of the association.

Anglican Media CEO, Russell Powell, congratulated Mr Mason and other Southern Cross staff members.

"The best feedback we get is from Sydney Anglican parishes where we hope people are built up and encouraged by the news and articles in Southern Cross" he said. "But to have the commendation of our peers in the religious press is also a great boost".

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