Four leading diocesan figures are being farewelled this month but the goodbyes are only temporary as they continue their ministries in different roles.

The Director of Evangelism Ministries, Canon Jim Ramsay and his wife Lesley were first to be farewelled as staff at St Andrews House wished both a happy retirement at their new home on the Central Coast.

In farewell speeches, Lesley Ramsay pointed out that she had been employed by EM as an itinerant evangelist first and it was not until 2005 that her husband became director. Canon Ramsay had been rector of Bexley North, Liverpool and Engadine before taking up his EM role.

Archbishop Jensen paid tribute to their ministries over many years and Canon Ramsay’s contribution to the workings of the Diocese on bodies such as Standing Committee.

Both have been involved in evangelism training this year including South Africa and the Solomon Islands and Canon Ramsay says further involvement is likely.

Also farewelled with functions at St Andrews House and in their regions, were Archdeacons Deryck Howell and Ken Allen.

Archdeacon Howell was rector of Hurstville Grove before a 21 year ministry at Centennial Park. He was appointed Archdeacon of South Sydney in 2003.

Bishop Robert Forsyth described Deryck Howell as the ‘perfect Archdeacon’. “People don’t understand what they do, but an Archdeacon’s main role is with people. Deryck is such a people person and he is used to working with complex problems as well as difficult bishops” he quipped.

His ministry will continue in a different form, as he has just been appointed rector of Rosemeadow. Archdeacon Howell and his wife Glenda move to the parish in December.

Archdeacon Ken Allen has served in that capacity in the western region since 2000 after several country parishes in the Armidale diocese and 3 years at Putney.

Bishop Ivan Lee said he will miss the ‘wise counsel’ of Ken Allen but said he was sure the same skills he brought to the western region would be utilised in his new work with Anglicare.

Archdeacon Allen will be the first in a newly created position as Chaplain to Anglicare’a 1500 staff members.