Upon their return I always ask friends about their holiday photos and recollections. There is always something interesting to learn, especially from those who have travelled overseas. Most show their best holiday snaps.

Recently I have been really moved and reproved by some of my friends.

Two different families finally went for an extended holiday to their homeland of Greece in there more mature years, after spending 40 years in Australia.

I asked one for his recollections and highpoints. His face lit up as he told me of the way he commenced three different Bible study groups on the island of his birth, how several people gave their lives to Christ and how he had to consider whether to stay in Greece and nurture the embryonic church, or to return to Australia - and all this in his 60's!

The other family spent a couple of weeks visiting with family, but eventually decided to take a bus to Albania to distribute Bibles. The bus trip was long and hot, and so they got to know their fellow travelers, and by the time they reached Albania most of the bus was engaged in a Bible study with them.

Another friend whose prayer is to see Muslims come to know Jesus recently returned from a conference in England. I asked him what he did in his spare time. The reply: he went to three different places where he knew Muslims congregated and tried to talk to whoever he could find about Jesus.

I am thankful to God for such people and wonder why this type of activity is uncommon.

Promoting Gospel Living

The Christian life is about wholehearted, joyful obedience to Christ. But how can we help each other with that?

Here are some thoughts that stem from the interaction with my friends.

"¢ tell the stories of faithful Christians, like my friends, who are just living out the life of faith. I know it can be guilt-inducing, but if done properly it can be great model for how to think and live.

"¢ don't think older people have reached their "use by" date. Often these are great saints, who the younger generation would do well to see in action.

"¢ do a pre-holiday chat with travellers and offer suggestions about how they might use their time. Give them things to pray about in the cities to which they travel.

"¢ use the Evangelism Ministries resource, Just start Talking to help us engage in conversation while overseas. Being a foreign tourist makes it much easier to have conversations.