As Sydney Anglicare commences its annual Toys n Tucker collection for Christmas this week, new data shows the impact of the GFC in the suburbs actually worsening despite talk of ‘recovery’.

Dr Jackson said 2009 saw record levels of demand at Anglicare's Emergency Relief centres.

New data from Anglicare's seven Emergency Relief (ER) centres released this week reveal demand began to climb in March 2009 " six months after the Reserve Bank first cut interest rates in response to the global financial crisis (GFC).

In one month from April to May 2009, requests for assistance increased by 25 per cent. In June and July 2009, demand was 29 per cent higher than the same period in 2008.

"For Anglicare the GFC is now gaining momentum," Dr Jackson said.

"Of great concern is the increasing proportion of people experiencing housing and accommodation issues.

"It is distressing to see growing numbers of people lacking one of life's basic necessities " a secure roof over their heads."

"Toys "n' Tucker will remove a little bit of the strain this Christmas," said Dr Jackson.

Partnership with parishes

With the help of Sydney Anglican parishes, Anglicare aims to provide over 2500 food parcels and gifts for more than 3700 children this year.

"Toys'n'Tucker is a means by which the Christians can encourage those who have come into contact with Emergency Relief and Family Support services during 2009," said Ian Jackson, ANGLICARE's Director of Community Care.

"Many of the individuals and families we see feel excluded from their communities due to a complex mix of factors including unemployment and poor housing and other barriers such as illness or disability.

"Toys "n' Tucker provides food for celebration and to tide households over the holiday period: as well as gifts for children whose parents who can't afford to treat their children.

Anglicare also provides "Essentials Cards' at Christmas which allow people to do their own shopping for fresh food and gifts " which Anglicare describes as a gift of "dignity'.

"All this is made possible through the generosity of local churches and youth groups wanting to reach out with the love of Christ at a time when we celebrate his incarnation".


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