Have you" you know" YouTubed?

YouTube is a popular free video sharing web site which lets users upload, view, and share video clips. How seriously should you take it? Well, let's just say that Google, that Internet phenomenon of a search engine, recently cut a deal to buy the company for $US1.65 billion!

YouTube is one of the fastest-growing websites on the World Wide Web, far outpacing even MySpace’s growth. According to a July 16, 2006 survey, 100 million clips are viewed daily on YouTube, with an additional 65,000 new videos uploaded per 24 hours. The site has almost 20 million visitors each month

Is there good stuff on it for Christians? Oh yeah"

Without any further ado

, here's a taste sampler:

Top Ten Ways Not To Evangelise " This is hilarious! It's so daggy, but you can't help but love it (or not), and a great tongue-in-cheek warning and encouragement to your youth groups!

Who Am I? - a PowerPointish presentation of one of my current fav Christian songs Who Am I? by Casting Crowns. Enjoy!

Brief Christian Testimony from Cliff Richard " Sir Cliff Richard on being a pop singer and a Christian.

John Piper " a stack of video excerpts searchable under his name, including the recent 2006 Desiring God Conference, with even more content on his Desiring God website.

Rick Warren evangelistic video " Solid production values and so-so message, but that pineapple Hawaiian shirt should be shot and given a decent burial! (For a fly-on-the-wall view of what it's like to hear him preach in a stadium in Seoul, Korea, have a look at this other video. It's surreal!)

Phillip Jensen on Introducing God " The Dean of Sydney's introduction to the Introducing God book launch.

Thank You Billy Graham " And you know I can't resist this one. Hokey as Rocky Road ice-cream and just as irresistible. (Bono's charismatic diatribe at the beginning is ouch-worthy.)

Give us a .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you find other quality Christian material on YouTube!

Andrew is Your.ydneyanglicans.net's resident digital scholar and the pastor of the Asian Bible Church (ABC), a congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney. Happy 1st Birthday ABC!

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