A former Anglican Media journalist will complete his journey into full-time ordained ministry at tonight's Moore College graduation ceremony.

The Rev Geoff Robson is one of 105 students who will graduate from a variety of different courses at tonight's ceremony being held at the City Recital Hall on Angel Place in Martin Place at 7:30pm tonight.

Geoff spent four years as a journalist at Anglican Media Sydney including six months as the editor of Southern Cross before entering Moore to undertake a four-year Bachelor of Divinity course in 2004.

"Working for Anglican Media is a vital ministry but a number of people that I trust encouraged me to pursue parish-based, pastoral ministry," he says.

He says working for Anglican Media exposed him to a massive range of ministries that "whet [his] appetite" for gospel ministry.

"I also had lots of reminders that so-called ‘average’ parishes are places where people’s lives are changed by God’s word and that made me want to get out there on the front lines," Geoff says.

"Over a few years, I figured out that full-time ministry of the word was how I thought I could best serve the Lord Jesus."

Geoff decided that Moore would give him the "best theological education possible".

"In four years together you share lots of highs and lots of lows. Going through that with a bunch of godly, like-minded Christians is a life-changing experience," Geoff says.

Geoff is now an assistant minister at St Andrew's, Wahroonga and he is enjoying leading, sharing his life and teaching the Bible to the congregation there.

"Every day I see people submitting themselves to God’s word, making sacrificial decisions for the gospel and trying really hard to live godly lives together. Seeing God change people in those ways is brilliant!"

The night of nights

This year's ceremony will see the graduation of Moore's first Diploma of Bible and Ministry students.

The two men graduating with this diploma are Glen Smith and 82-year-old Paul Mahaffey.

The ceremony will also recognise the graduation of 45 Bachelor of Divinity students, 28 Bachelor of Theology students and 21 Diploma of Bible and Missions students.

Another former Anglican Media journalist and editor Stephen Liggins will graduate with a Master of Theology and eight other post graduate students will receive their Master of Arts in Theology.

The graduation ceremony will also recognise the achievement of William Andrew Williamson in attaining a Doctor of Philosophy.

Dr Williamson's research was supervised jointly by Moore College and the University of Western Sydney (UWS) and his doctorate will be awarded by UWS.

Academic Dean of Moore College Dr Mark Thompson will give the keynote address at this evening's ceremony and Bishop of North Sydney Glenn Davies will present the graduates with their degrees in the absence of Archbishop Peter Jensen.

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