The Archbishop's Northern Region lectures are among the first of a series of events to be live-streamed on the Internet as 'webcasts' become a standard tool of christian communication.

The memorial service for John Chapman in November was the first event to be live-streamed from St Andrew's Cathedral and allowed hundreds of viewers from around the world to watch the service in real time.

Now the lecture Dr Jensen traditionally gives in February at Abbotsleigh School will be available on the web. The series draws crowds from across the North shore but now viewers from further afield can watch as the lectures are delivered on Wenesday nights, 13, 20, and 27 February from 8.00pm to 9.30pm.

Dr Jensen welcomes the move to give the lectures a wider audience, especially as this series will be his last as Archbishop.

The Archbishop says the theme of the lectures will be 'Resurrection'.

"We humans are up against death, the adversary which the Bible calls our 'last enemy'. In the contemporary world we cloak the reality of death because we lack hope and we do not know what to say about it. The Christian gospel is an announcement that there is real hope and that the Resurrection of Jesus signals a new start to human experience" he says.

Audio Advice, which runs the multimedia for the lectures and events at St Andrew's Cathedral, says next on the live streaming calendar will be the Cathedral Bible Study starting this week and the Sunday morning 10.30 service starting in March.

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