Mary Andrews College officially welcomed a new women's ministry expert to their fold at last night's commissioning service.

The Rev Jackie Stoneman has been appointed as MAC's first ever Director of Studies, an appointment recognised at the MAC Thanksgiving and Graduation and Commissioning service last night.

Miss Stoneman will have leadership and oversight of the work of MAC in the areas of diploma Bible courses, short courses and conferences.

This means Miss Stoneman will be responsible for spearheading the advancement of laywomen's training in Sydney Diocese.

This role actually marks a return to MAC for Miss Stoneman, who lectured there previously for 13-and-a-half years until June last year.

Prior to that Miss Stoneman spent 10 years in parish ministry in the parishes of Belmore and Denistone/East Marsfield (now Macquarie).

"My heart has always been to see laywomen have the opportunity to do study but if they go to Moore they have to study full-time," Ms Stoneman says.

"We want to keep bringing the diploma course out to the suburbs because I just love seeing women blossom in that context, where they can do study they otherwise never could."

Study outside the square

Miss Stoneman says the diploma courses and short courses are a perfect opportunity for mothers with children or women who are retired or working part-time.

"Because women's lives are so chaotic, moving in different circles and always changing we have to be a college that goes with that and be creative about meeing their needs," she says.

Miss Stoneman is hoping to "think outside the square' to find ways for as many women as possible to be trained in theology and is allocating a period of six months for this consultation process.

"We want to assess where we are at with training and build on this so we can facilitate growing numbers of women into theological education. Intensive courses and e-learning are two ways we are exploring," Miss Stoneman says.

"By getting the point of view from women in the parishes we will know what people need to undertake training."
Miss Stoneman is also keen to reach women in isolated areas and other dioceses with MAC training courses.

A celebration of MAC

Last night's service, held at St Anne's, Ryde, also celebrated 117 years of MAC ministry.
Moore College Vice Principal, the Rev Dr Bill Salier spoke to the gathering from the Bible and the Dean of the Australian College of Theology, the Rev Dr Mark Harding, presented the diploma of theology to MAC's two graduation students: Beryl Kneeshaw and Helen Bradford.

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