In an unique evangelistic event, the 10.45am congregation at St Paul's Carlingford are inviting their friends and neighbours to the movies this Saturday night.

"We are using the movie Luther as an opportunity to tell people the gospel," said pastor of the congregation, Gary Koo.

"When we received the promotional material for the film, we thought why not use it as an evangelistic opportunity. It certainly ties in with themes in the lead up to Easter."

On the following morning, people are invited to church, where Mr Koo will explain the meaning behind the movie by preaching from Romans 1:17.

"This is the verse that changed Luther," Mr Koo said.

"Luther had been struggling to be right with God through what he did. But he came to realise that Romans 1:17 teaches that we can only be right with God through faith in what Jesus has done on our behalf."

Christian relief agency Samaritan's Purse Australia, together with the film's distributors, are also making the movie Luther available for Tsunami relief fund-raising.

They will provide the film to churches, schools, and community groups across Australia who pledge to help raise money towards the work Samaritan's Purse are doing in tsunami-hit Asia.

Since Boxing Day 2004, Samaritan's Purse has been providing emergency relief of temporary shelter, clean water, food and cooking supplies, home rebuilding kits, and medical assistance to those suffering from the effects of the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and India.

Information on the movie or fundraising opportunities can be obtained from the film's official website or by contacting Rod Hopping on 07-5478 8144.

Read’s review of Luther