Sarah Crawford hasn't had a hot drink in almost 400 days.
Mrs Crawford, a member of St Paul's Castle Hill, felt a need to do something after watching the documentary Invisible Children, about child soldiers in Uganda.
"It was something I couldn't get out of my head so I looked into it a bit more," she says.
Soon she was leading a team of 64 Sydney mums, each with a goal to raise or save $400 in 400 days to help non-profit organisation Watoto's rehabilitation of child soldiers.
"I thought ‘what can a mum, an everyday person do’?" she says. "I can't raise much by myself, but with others I can".
The group has reached their aim of raising $20,000, enough to buy five acres of land in northern Uganda for Watoto to use to build homes and schools for the children.
Some women have given up things like coffee, acrylic nails and ironing ladies, while others have raised money by selling cards or organising a trivia night.
Mrs Crawford says they didn't want to just hand over $400 each, but work hard for it so that it was "sacrificial giving".
June 25 brought an end to the 400 days and the Watoto children's choir will accept the money and perform at St Paul's Castle Hill on August 12
Photos Copyright: WHO/Adèle Marie