In a bid to rejuvenate a flagging family service the congregation of Holy Trinity, Beacon Hill has decided to go into partnership with the nearby parish of St Faith’s, Narrabeen.

Beacon Hill’s interim minister, David Ritchie, says that, “although financially keeping its head above water, the number of families [here] has dwindled.

“We formed a transition team… and came to a common mind that the church couldn’t thrive on its own — that it wasn’t really in a position to call a new rector and just hope things would get better. Instead [the group decided] it would be better for the gospel and Christian ministry if we put the whole nomination process on hold and developed a suitable partnership with another Anglican church.”

Beacon Hill approached two churches and decided the model proposed by the Rev Kerry Nagel of St Faith’s — partnership rather than amalgamation — was the best fit.

Mr Nagel proposed a change he hopes will see the church flourish and be able to stand on its own feet in coming years. “The parish voluntarily said they needed help and are ready for a change,” he says. “They intentionally chose to partner with St Faith’s — a partnership which is about change.”

That partnership does not mean Beacon Hill just becomes another service of St Faith’s. While Mr Nagel was made acting rector of Beacon Hill in August  he is keen to help it retain its own identity.

“My suggestion was to appoint a younger minister who can lead them in a new direction but with a separate identity [from St Faith’s],” he says. “We want to help them reach their particular area… and it is my hope that in the future they will be established as an outreach centre.”

With the parish, Mr Nagel has appointed Rick Mason to lead Beacon Hill in 2012. Mr Mason is currently serving as assistant minister at St Stephen’s, Normanhurst.

Says Mr Nagel: “The church needs to go in a new direction but also need to keep their own identity… They need to be ready for radical change and have a certain level of missional thinking.”

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