For nearly 20 years, one dollar at a time, the ministry-minded Anglicans of Kingswood have saved proceeds from an op-shop run a few days a week out of their tiny 1890s church building.

On February 28, their new $1 million state-of-the-art ministry facility will be officially opened. About $300,000 was raised by the Op-Shop with another $300,000 donated by parishioners over the last two years.

Bronwyn Grant, 20, says she feels "so excited' about the opening of the new building because she has been watching the fund-raising graph slowly going up "for as long as I can remember'.

"They've been saving up money ever since I was born," she said.

The new facility includes a Mc Donald's-style playground, computerised sound-desk and automated projector and screen. But more importantly it seats in excess of 200 people.

Until last month nearly 100 adults and children had been crammed into a run-down 1960s church hall for the Sunday morning church service.

"We were absolutely full," said minister Steve Gooch, who believes that the cramped, often stinking hot conditions, and poor facilities meant many young families were turned away from the church.

"I think the new facilities will especially attract parents connected to our children's program," he said. "Until now, our toilets were an embarrassment. Our car-parking was totally inadequate."

Full story coming in March Southern Cross

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