This is a video where Peter Hitchens explains he explains his journey to faith:

Peter Hitchens Author Interview—The Rage Against God from Gorilla Poet Productions on Vimeo.

What struck me in Peter’s testimony was the role of art to start his journey to faith. In fact, it was this painting, The Last Judgement by Rogier van der Weyden, that disturbed Peter as he came face-to-face with the reality of Judgement Day:

Peter explains the power of the arts:

“I would think that most educated atheists are much more likely to be suddenly ambushed in the heart by poetry, than they ever are likely to be converted by reasoned argument. A lot of what is conveyed by Christianity has to be conveyed by this form because words, even the most beautiful words, cannot fully convey it.”

I’m not familiar with the historical relationship between the arts and evangelical Christianity. Perhaps you can help me fill out the picture - what is the role of the arts in evangelical Christianity? What has it been? What is it now? What should it be?

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