Church planting, ministry to people in high-rise blocks and ‘tough areas’ will be the targets of the Connect for Life prayer day to be held this Friday.

Security apartment blocks were identified as one of the most difficult areas in a review of Connect09 undertaken at the recent Mission Areas meetings. Further research among rectors will be undertaken shortly through an online questionnaire designed by Anglicare’s Policy unit.

Nine speakers including the head of the Diocese’s new church planting initiative, Bishop Al Stewart, will lead the prayer session at St Andrew’s House.

Trish Bell will lead prayer for outreach through ESL and the rector of Kensington, Kevin Wares, will speak on reaching high-rise and apartment dwellers.

The newest bishop, Peter Hayward, will be there to encourage work in ‘tough areas’.

This is the third Diocesan prayer day and it is again being sponsored by Mother’s Union.

Connect for Life Executive director Andrew Nixon says “Reaching people who live behind security grilles is difficult but they are exactly the ones who often feel alienated and without community ties. It’s vital that we meet to pray for these and others across Sydney who have no connections with Christians. I’d like to challenge Sydney Anglicans to be with us on Friday or to at least set aside time during the day for focussed prayer.”



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