There are prophets who have received honour in their home town this Australia Day.

The work of husband and wife team, Lance and Gwen Tremlett, in helping produce the first complete Aboriginal Bible in Kriol, has been recognised in the Australia Day honours. They were both made Members of the Order of Australia.

Other Anglicans who have been honoured include:


Mr David Victor MURRAY,
Hunters Hill NSW
For service to the finance sector nationally and internationally through strategic leadership and policy development, to education, particularly fostering relations between educational institutions and business and industry, and to the community as a supporter of and fundraiser for cultural and church organisations.

Member, Tara Anglican School for Girls Foundation.

Mr Phillip John CAVE,
Milsons Point NSW
For service to the community, particularly through the provision of support services to children and young adults with disabilities, and to business as a company director.

Chairman, Northcott Society (formerly the NSW Society for Crippled Children), since 2000; Vice-President; Chair, Finance and Properties Committee; Board Member, since 1986.
Instrumental in establishing Ability First Australia and its alliance with Easter Seals Disability Services, USA (through the Northcott Society).
Volunteer fundraiser, Variety, The Children’s Charity, for 15 years; has raised over $150,000.
Speaker, The Executive Connection, since 1998.
Director, SCEGGS Redlands, 1995-2004.

Mrs Gwen Livingstone TREMLETT,
Moulden NT
For service to the Indigenous community in the Northern Territory through the translation of the Kriol Bible, as a teacher of home economics, and as a missionary.

Translation Facilitator, Kriol Bible Translation Team, since 1994; Member, since 1987; involved with producing Kriol Bible literacy material and running a bookstall for selling the material, 1987-2004.
Volunteer, Women's Resource Centre, Ngukurr, 2001-2004.
Missionary, Ngukurr, 1988-2004; involved with literacy, teaching reading, distribution of printed and taped Kriol material, production of tapes, helping with lesson material for use in Sunday School and Scripture, taking and assisting in Bible Studies and leadership training.
Full Connection Missionary, Anglican Church Missionary Society, since 1963, at Roper River Mission (now known as Ngukurr), after completion of training as a Home Manageress.
Church Support Worker, Arnhem Land, 1995-1999.
Spent a year in Darwin learning the Kriol language, 1987; involved with "Scripture in Use' with Kriol speaking people.
Worked with women in the community, Angurugu, 1972-1987.
Teacher of Scripture and Sunday School, 1976.

Mr Lance John TREMLETT,
Moulden NT
For service to the Indigenous community in the Northern Territory through the translation of the Kriol Bible, administrative roles within local communities, and as a missionary.

Translation Facilitator, Kriol Bible Translation Team, since 1994; Member, since 1987; involved with producing Kriol Bible literacy material and running a bookstall for selling the material, 1988-2004.
Missionary, Ngukurr, 1988-2004; involved with literacy, teaching reading, distribution of printed and taped Kriol material, production of tapes, helping with lesson material for use in Sunday School and Scripture, taking and assisting in Bible Studies and leadership training.
Member, Anglican Church Missionary Society, since 1961; current Member, Diocese Translation Committee; involved in ministry at Bagot Community and Gunn Point Prison Farm, 1987.
Anglican Church Missionary Society Representative, Angurugu, until 1984; admitted as a Full Connection Missionary, 1965.



Principal Chaplain Leonard Sidney EACOTT
For exceptional service and outstanding devotion to duty as Principal Chaplain " Army and Head of Corps, Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department.

Principal Chaplain Eacott has provided outstanding ecclesiastical leadership and pastoral oversight to the Royal Australian Army Chaplains' Department and as Principal Chaplain - Army. He has been dedicated to enhancing and extending specialist chaplaincy training to meeting the Army's rapidly changing needs for pastoral support, encouraging and empowering Army chaplains serving around Australia. He has effectively represented the Army Chaplains' Department with great effect among Australia's friends and allies. The close links he has forged with the heads of foreign chaplaincy services have been a conduit for new ideas and fresh thinking to enter the Department. His commitment to the material welfare and spiritual well-being of uniformed men and women has inspired many and furthered the Australian Army's achievements and successes.


Mrs Janice Margaret ACKLAND,

C/- Caringbah Anglican Church, NSW
For service to the community of the Sutherland Shire, particularly in the fields of aged and pastoral care.

Pastoral Care Ministry, St Philip’s Anglican Church, Caringbah, since 1993; on staff as Senior's Ministry Worker, since 2001.
Founder/Coordinator, St Philip’s Caring Centre, since 1993; Volunteer, Advisory Committee, Combined Caring Centres, Sutherland Shire, since 1998.
Social Worker, Aged and Extended Care Division Southcare, Sutherland Hospital, Calvary Hospital, 1986-2001.
Bereavement counselling has been part of Mrs Ackland's social work and pastoral care role, but she has not been a designated Bereavement Counsellor as such.
Refugee support to Sudanese community in the Sutherland Shire, since 2003.
Committee Member, Kingsway Christian Fellowship (providing fellowship and social meetings for people with a disability now meeting at the Caringbah Anglican Church), 1992-1997; continuing support.
Lay Coordinator, Women’s 19, Anglican Cursillo (course in Christian Living), 2003.
Director, Kairos Prison Ministry #5, Emu Plains Women's Correctional Centre, 2001.
Committee Member, Christian Women Communicating International, 1994-2000.

Dr John Short CONROY,
Avalon NSW
For service to primary education, particularly in the field of mathematics, and to the community through school, social welfare and health groups.

Chairman, Meriden School, 1995-2000; Council Member, 1986-2001.
Current Committee Member, Loquat Valley Anglican School.
Consultant, Asian Development Bank Projects in Indonesia, 1994; the projects focused on the development of the public and private secondary education systems in Indonesia.
Chairman, Parents and Friends Association, Trinity Grammar School, for 4 years; Member, Education Committee of Council.

Mrs Valda Ruth CORBETT,
Turramurra NSW
For service to the community, particularly through the 40 Hour Famine for World Vision Australia.

Participant, 40 Hour Famine, World Vision Australia, for the past 30 years; raised over $50,000 in the past 5 years alone; was the top fundraising individual in Australia 3 times; speaker at World Vision Volunteer Conferences.
Current Member, The Mothers’ Union, for over 50 years.
Member, Movement for the Ordination of Women.
Missionary, Church Missionary Society, service in Tanzania, for 16 years.

The Reverend Peter James CORNEY,
Balwyn Vic
For service to the Anglican Church of Australia, particularly through the development of creative programs to meet contemporary community needs.

Vicar, St Hilary’s Anglican Church Kew, 1975-1999.
Executive Director, Arrow Australia Leadership Program, 1994-2002.
Director, Institute for Contemporary Christian Leadership, 1994-2002.
Archdeacon, Evangelisation and Church Growth Diocese of Melbourne, 1984-1991.
Founding Director, Diploma of Youth Ministeries Ridley Theological College, 1985-1988.
Lecturer, Ridley Theological College, 1981-1982.
Inaugral Committee Member, Victorian Government, Children’s Welfare Department, Diploma of Youth Leadership; responsible for the first Government accredited training course in youth work in Victoria.
Youth Chaplain, Diocese of Melbourne, 1966-1973.
Assistant Curate, Doncaster, Diocese of Melbourne, 1963-1965.
Author, The Gospel and the Growing Church: Planning Parish Based Evangelism;
The Welcoming Church; Team Torque; Change and the Church; and Developing congregations into caring communities.

Mrs Thea Mildred HENESS,
Strathfield NSW
For service to the community through legal aid, mediation and aged care organisations.

Board Member, Strathfield Home for the Aged, since 1988; administered by the National Council of Churches in Australia; has also been involved in various committees.
Founder and Convenor of St Anne’s Playgroup, St Anne’s Anglican Church, Strathfield,
1989-2001; Anglican representative on a local ecumenical group, Churches Acting Together, since 2004.

Mrs Helen Sydney LE HURAY,
Ramsgate Beach NSW
For service to the community, particularly in the field of aged care, through Chesalon Aged Services and the Anglican Church of Australia.

Deputy Director of Nursing, Chesalon Aged Services, Malabar, since 2001; Registered Nurse, since 1976.
Member, Chesalon Malabar Auxiliary, since 1976.

President, Ladies Guild, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, for 26 years from ca1976.
President, Mothers' Union, for 26 years; Deanery President, Mothers' Union, for 14 years.
Lay visitor, Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick, for 8 years.

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