Leading children's ministry organisation Kidzlink has given its top award to a psychology student who loves working with kids.

Matthew Eastman, who is heavily involved in running the Sunday school and other children’s ministry at St Phillip’s, Turramurra South, has received Kidzlink’s annual Deeth Award.

The prize is a scholarship for a two-week children's ministry intensive course at Youthworks College in February 2008.

Matthew, 21, who is studying Psychology at Macquarie University, co-ordinates the Sunday school program for the preschool-to-year-two age group, assists with crèche at the evening service and is a leader on St Philip's school holiday outreach program.

Matthew says he values such ministry because he learnt significant foundational Bible knowledge as a Sunday school student.

"I learnt a lot of my early Bible knowledge before I became a Christian while attending Sunday school as child," Matthew says.

After making a commitment to Christ as a year nine student, Matthew began teaching Sunday school two years later.

"I started doing it because I thought it was the thing to do, then I soon realised that hanging out with kids is fun," Matthew says,

"It's really encouraging to see the faith and trust in God that children are developing at this age. It's an awesome opportunity to be able to guide a little kid on this journey."

Matthew believes the scholarship for the Youthworks intensive course will give him essential training as he coordinates programs and trains new leaders in children's ministry.

"The scholarship is a great opportunity for me to keep my skills up to date and learn new skills in working with children, which I would otherwise be unable to obtain because of financial restrictions," he says.

"I see this two-week intensive as a time to draw close to God and focus my mind on the year to come in ministry."

Award history

The Deeth Award was established in 2001 is honour of Margie and Doug Deeth, who for over 50 years been very involved in children's ministry in Sydney Diocese, particularly through GFS and CEBS.

The award is given annually to someone between the ages of 18 and 28 who has a passion for children's ministry and a desire to broaden their skills.

St Philip's children's worker Peter Swann, who recommended Matthew for the award, says working beside him has been a privilege and a pleasure.

"I consider Matt to be one of our key leaders at St Philip's. In 2008, I will be expanding Matt's leadership responsibilities and I know this award will be of great value to him.""¨"¨

Kidzlink chairperson Sharron Lewis was greatly encouraged by the number of young people who applied for the Deeth Award this year.

"It's wonderful to see so many people passionate about working with children and serving God in this way," she says.

"Kidzlink are proud to be able to support churches with training opportunities for the leaders of tomorrow." "¨"¨

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