Archbishop Peter Jensen will join dignitaries including the Premier and the Consul General of New Zealand in a prayer service for the people of Christchurch on Thursday afternoon at St Andrew's Cathedral.

A special lunchtime service for workers will be held at 1pm, followed by the official service with the Premier at 3pm.

Among those leading in prayer will be the Dean of Sydney Phillip Jensen and the Rev Wally Behan, who is the former rector of St John’s Church, Latimer Square which has been all but destroyed by the quake.

Archbishop Jensen has issued an open invitation for people to pray at the Cathedral.

“The special relationship forged in conflict while facing common enemies means that our hearts go out to the citizens of Christchurch and that we have a special reason to pray for them.” said Dr Jensen.

“We are praying for the safety and wellbeing of the city and individuals known to us and that the spirit of faith, hope and love will prevail in the whole community.” he said,

Appeal opens

Less than 24 hours after the quake, the Archbishop gave the go-ahead for an Anglican Aid appeal.

Anglican Aid will work with Anglican partners in Christchurch, and is accepting donations which will be used for emergency aid and to support those in affected communities to rebuild their lives.

Donations are tax-deductible.  

Details are at the Anglican Aid website.

Churches checking on people

Wally Behan and his wife Rosemary, who spent 19 years in ministry at Latimer Square, are in Sydney at the moment. 

Wally is locum at Hoxton Park Anglican Church, before heading back to Christchurch later in the year.

While they have confirmed their family and their colleagues at St John's are safe, there's concern for congregation members.

One staff member, Al Drye, has been checking on church familes, using a bicycle to get around damaged roads.

Another, MTS worker Jimmy Pattinson, was seen on television minutes after the earthquake, bringing survivors out of collapsed buildings.

(photo right)

Rosemary Behan wrote this plea for prayer to Christians in England.



Photo Credit:Flickr/Shazster

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