Each month Christianity.net.au assembles a free feature for Christian workers tackling the tough questions. This month it’s sex - the site’s best answers to real questions submitted by real people.

Sex is at the heart of creation, but something has gone wrong and only God can fix it.

Sexuality is one of the most fundamental aspects of our human identity. It's a complex mixture of our biology and psyche that determines how we perceive ourselves and how we treat each other. If we get it right our sexuality can be the basis of our most intimate and fulfilling relationship. If we get it wrong it can be devastating.

Drawing on real questions submitted by inquirers from around Australia and the world, Christianity.net.au has put together The Sex Questions. This feature offers carefully considered, Biblical answers to the following questions for Christians working through these issues with friends:

What does God think about sexuality?

Can you be a homosexual and still be a Christian and go to heaven?

Why is the church against homosexuality?

How do I cope with sexual temptation?

What about sex before marriage?”

... and other questions about our sexuality.

Is your question missing?

Christianity.net.au has a library of real answers to real questions to check out, as well as the opportunity to have your question answered by its team.

Christianity.net.au extends permission to republish these and other answers from its web library free of charge so long as the source is noted and in the case of Internet sites a link is provided back to Christianity.net.au

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