I mean there they both were at the dinner party last week having a brilliant time.

It was a farewell to some people from the 11am congregation - people that Enzo and Ralph had barely met.

So there they were, large as life, having a marvellous time - passing out entrees; offering to fill people’s glasses. Laughing too! Enzo and Ralph were initiating conversations and cracking jokes.

True story. They owned that little gathering!

The weird thing in all this is that the very people with whom Enzo and Ralph were partying are the same crowd that go to church each week.

And it’s not like they change or something. Well O.K., I do put on that celluloid clerical collar from time to time but no one else does.

So why the aversion to church? What’s the difference between a Sunday arvo nosh up and a Sunday morning service?

Let’s not get hung up on liturgy and hymns and boring sermons - I know those things are different.

And people kind of expect that stuff at church. Enzo and Ralph have said as much.

I believe there’s something more sinister at work. I do.

A spiritual battle is what it is.

The “god of this age” really has blinded my friends' eyes (and hearts and minds) to the truth of Jesus. And here I am doing cartwheels to get them along to services and evangelistic events when I’ve neglected to pray for them. Basic, right?

It struck me (afterwards) with great force.

As we’re eating that exotic curry (“someone pass the ice water”), and rabbiting on about the price of loft apartments, a spiritual battle is raging.

So Enzo and Ralph don’t go to church. And it's beyond me. It really is.

“O Lord,  please have mercy on Enzo and Ralph. Please help them see the truth of the gospel of Jesus.  Do grant them repentance and faith. And please forgive me for being so dull and faithless. Amen.”

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