Saturday, 19 October 19 Oct


Church pushes out with Sydney

Archbishop Glenn Davies, in his Presidential address opening the 2016 Synod, or Parliament, of the Anglican Church, has spoken of Sydney's urban sprawl and efforts to establish new churches on the fringe of the city.

Questions for God

Churches often have external signs with messages they want the community to see, but the signs aren’t usually interactive...

Meaning in the Mundane

We’re so used to attaching the worth of our lives to what we do – even what we do for God – but we need to take a different approach.

Moore veteran called home

Dr Bill Dumbrell, long time lecturer and former Vice Principal of Moore College, has died.

Pop-up library for Kenya

Figtree Anglican Church has shown support to Kenya’s urban poor by working with a Christian organisation there to provide libraries to children living in Nairobi’s slums.

Moore leads reformation celebrations

Moore College has announced an extensive program of celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.

The Intolerance of Tolerance

How far we have come from the days of “I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Awards for Southern Cross

A feature about domestic violence in the Anglican Church has won gold at the annual awards of the Australasian Religious Press Association, held recently in Sydney.




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