by Geoff Robson

Rico Tice says it can take 18 months of prayer and hard work, if not more, to even get a non-Christian friend to the ‘starting line’ for one church event.

That’s encouraging news for anyone that’s ever invited a friend to something and been knocked back. And in reality, that is probably the case for almost everyone that’s ever tried.

For this reason, one of the most helpful aspects of Christianity Explored is its analysis of what barriers stand in the way of un-churched people even hearing the gospel.

In a western society that in many ways has abandoned its Christian roots, Rico believes that most people today think that ‘Christians are weird’, ‘Christianity is irrelevant’ or ‘the gospel is untrue’. With such baggage to overcome, simply getting to the starting line can be the major challenge for most people.

Like most things with Rico, the answer comes back to a sporting analogy. He says that when it comes to Christianity, many people aren’t even ready to sit in the stands. They need to be brought in via the hospitality tents located out the back, behind the stands, before they will even watch, let alone think about stepping up to the line and joining the race.

Rico believes that evangelism is best done in conjunction with ‘Hospitality Tent’ events. These can be anything from sports days to trivia nights, to music and theatre, to just eating out – whatever will appeal to friends. The aim is a relational experience where newcomers meet committed Christians who aren’t ‘weird’.

This breaks down the barriers and prepares people to consider Christianity. “People almost always need to belong before they will believe,” Rico says.

One of the best things about the Hospitality Tent model is that it encourages all Christians to get involved in the ministry. Individuals or small groups will know best what they and their friends are passionate about, and what events are most likely to be attractive to newcomers.

The options are literally limitless. The only requirement is imagination and the willingness to try something new and different.

The real beauty of the Christianity Explored model is that hospitality is not the end result, but a step towards friends hearing about God’s love for them.