Sydney Anglicans and ethical investment, through ANS
The second entry in a new sponsored blog from Anglican National Super, looking at different ways in which we can show good stewardship.
It’s possible (though we are working hard to address this) that some readers don’t know that Anglican National Super offers a superannuation plan for workers and employers within the Australian Anglican community that has positive and ethical influence around the world.
Through its investment decisions and engagement, and its partnership with AMP, the ANS Plan is certified by the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia. (Did you even know such an organisation existed?
By design, our Plan avoids areas of social harm by not profiting from investments in gambling, alcohol, tobacco and armaments manufacture, while also avoiding uranium and pornography.
While these are sound issues to avoid, it is often in the area of good citizenship where we are able to have our biggest impact.
By taking a position on many global issues, we are able to contribute to changes in corporate global behaviour. By actively supporting like-minded organisations and conventions around the world, and not investing in organisations which do not share and support our ideals, we are able to modify behaviour and influence corporate policy.
For example, AMP and like investors, encourage drug companies to make drugs and medicines available and affordable in the developing world, rewarding them with our investment which is significant when combined with global, ethical investment partners.
Where else can you be confident that your money supports an ethical witness in boardrooms to stand up against corruption, stands against profiting from conflict minerals and child labour, actively promotes and supports labour standards at home and abroad and stands for equality in opportunity by encouraging corporations to do the right things?
The Plan has a spectacular record of achievement in these areas. You are part of this simply by making the choice of being in Anglican National Super. That small decision has ramifications for the oppressed around the world. It means while your Super is working for you and giving quality returns it is also using its influence to encourage change in others for the benefit of those communities. Be proud to be part of this revolution.
You can find out more in the new reports online at or Look for the “Responsible Investment Leaders Fund 2014 Engagement Report” and “Corporate Governance 2013 full year report”.