Archbishop Glenn Davies has spoken of his hopes for Moore College in a series of videos about the place of the college in the life of the diocese.

In his first major interviews on the subject since becoming Archbishop and College President last year, Dr Davies urged prayer for students and faculty and said churches should have a ‘closeness’ to the college.

“I want to see the way in which we work together to be an encouraging, enlightening, transparent relationship so that the people at college don't see themselves at a distance from ‘the diocese’ but actually feel very much a part of us ….their training and their being educated to be pastors and lay persons in our diocese all contributing to bring glory to the Lord Jesus.” Dr Davies said.

The Archbishop spoke of the widespread influence of Moore and of his own experience, having been a student, lecturer and member of the Governing Board.

“It’s hard to overestimate the importance of Moore College in the life of any Anglican person in Sydney.” the Archbishop said. “We’ve kept close to the teaching of the Bible, we’ve seen the importance of biblical theology, the importance of seeing the Bible as a narrative which holds together from Genesis to Revelation, and how the fulfilment of all God’s promises comes through the person of Jesus Christ.  That’s the work of Moore College over 150 years, and it’s a delight for me now to be the President of this fine College.”
As for his new role as College President, the Archbishop said “I suppose what I bring to the College is a sense of history and continuity.  My connections to the College go back to the late ’60s and the early ’80s in terms of study, and of course my involvement in the faculty.  I’ve been involved with the Governing Board for 15 years also, so I think I understand the College fairly well, and I’m very excited about being its President.  I don’t know that gives me any particular powers, but it gives me an opportunity to present the credentials of Moore College persuasively within the diocese and beyond the diocese so that more and more people can gain from the rich resources which our College offers.”

Archbishop Davies says the recent change of principal, Archbishop and some new lecturers has reinvigorated the college.

 “I think there’s a sense in the College of excitement, that we’re in a new stage of the leadership of the diocese, and to see what God’s going to bring to us.  And you’re putting on new faculty, which is great, so there’s a regeneration of faculty, new minds, and I think the students in the College are excited about the changes taking place.”

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