Three of the most prominent preachers in the Sydney Diocese are in Britain this month to take part in a nationwide outreach called “A Passion for Life”.

Rev Simon Manchester, the rector of St Thomas’, North Sydney, the director of Evangelism Ministries Bishop Al Stewart and Dean Phillip Jensen are joining New York church planter and author Dr Tim Keller, South African Bishop Frank Retief and London-based evangelist Rico Tice on the list of speakers.

Australian historian and Christian Apologist John Dickson will also be in England for the campaign.

As another general election looms, A Passion for Life's organisers believe that the Easter gospel message is more vital for England than yet another party political manifesto.

Rev John Stevens, National co-chair of the A Passion for Life Mission, says: "Thirteen years ago people put their hope in politicians, and were joyfully singing "Things can only get better' as a new prime minister entered No 10. Today there is no confidence that anyone will be able to solve the problems of the credit crunch, broken families, binge drinking, violent crime, inequality, and those earlier hopes have been dashed by the lies of spin, the corruption of the expenses scandal and concerns over the legitimacy of the war in Iraq.”

"Christians believe that the only real hope for our society is to be found in Jesus Christ. We are convinced that the problems of our world are a result of our rebellion against God, our failure to love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our consequent failure to love our neighbour as ourselves."

Dean Phillip Jensen agrees “Please pray for the Christians in England” he told “It’s a critical time to be calling their local communities back to Christ.”

Culminating on Easter day, events will take place across the country. In London, thousands are expected to attend the missions' flagship event The God Confusion at the ExCel centre in the Docklands on March 13. Dr Tim Keller will be joined by Rico Tice and Bishop Al Stewart in tackling issues such as science and the bible and the uniqueness of Jesus.

Simon Manchester will speak at six seperate meetings for the Emmanuel Church at Wimbledon. Phillip Jensen has a series of meetings in North London, Newcastle, Durham Nottingham and Derby .

Like Connect09 in Australia, A Passion for Life organisers have chosen Luke as their Gospel text to give away.

Rico Tice says: "I recently read Dr Tim Keller's assessment of the spiritual temperature in Europe.  He said that in the culture "there is both an increased hunger for God and an increased hostility to God'.

"As I've seen the churches gear up around the country for A Passion for Life it really has made me see that that hunger is real.  A Passion for Life proves that there are a vast number of biblical Christians in this country, who have tremendous confidence that their friends, loved ones and colleagues do have a deep, deep need to hear more of Jesus Christ."