As a Christian parent I want to see my kids to grow up as Christians and so from an early age I have sought to teach them about Jesus. However, it's not always that simple (particularly as they get older) to keep their attention and provoke them to think " just ask any Sunday School teacher!

So, like many others, I looked for books, toys and videos " anything " that would help me teach my kids about God. I like something short and engaging to hold their wandering attention, and
simple to understand without compromising the truth. It's a difficult balancing act, and not all of what is on offer does a good job.

Enter Youthworks!

Youthworks has produced three comics for kids aged 8-11 that tell the story of Jesus. Two of them " "Christmas" and "Easter" " tell the story of his birth and death / resurrection, while the third " "Who is this Man?" " presents some of Jesus' miracles recorded in Mark's gospel.

These kiddie tracts tell their stories as accurately as possible, using the same words as the Bible in crucial spots. Yet the language is clear and simple, suitable for the target age range. The comic approach allows them to create characters who express the emotions behind the story, supporting the meaning of the words.

The illustrations are also cleverly and colourfully executed. As a result the tracts challenge kids in the same way the Bible does. In the hands of a discerning parent they can be used to explore the depths of the gospel story.

For example in "Christmas", Simeon tells Mary and Joseph Jesus "" will be the Light to show God to all the nations". It's an excellent opportunity to explore the idea with our kids, but it underlines that giving them the comic is only half the job.

The tracts do have their limitations. Some of the illustrations seem unhelpful " the angels are a little "demonic' in appearance for my taste. The simplification of the stories has also led to one or two inaccuracies. However none of these detract from the overall effect.

My kids are now beyond comic versions of the Bible but had these tracts been available when they were younger I would have had them amongst my collection.

David Horne is the editor of the online evangelistic site, and a member of Norwest Anglican church

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