The GAFCON leadership team and key participants in the week long conference are on their way to Jerusalem for the final preparations for the meeting beginning Sunday.

The Pre-GAFCON consultation in Jordan wound up early, and the participants move to Jerusalem today.

Hotel and meeting rooms previously unavailable in Jerusalem became available at the same time GAFCON leaders learned that previously granted permission for the Jordan consultation was deemed insufficient.

GAFCON delegates have taken the alterations in their stride, the move proving no barrier to a developing sense of fellowship.

Already, there’ve been joyous scenes as GAFCON leaders greeted each other.

The Nigerian delegation was given a rousing cheer as was Archbishop and Mrs Yong Ping Chung.

Archbishop Yong, of Sabah, will give a Bible study during the Gafcon week.

Leaders, including the Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter Jensen, believe the time in Jordan was very valuable for prayer, fellowship, and networking.

GAFCON Chairman Archbishop Peter Akinola of Nigeria, and Archbishop Greg Venables of Argentina, were unable to be in Jordan. Both are, however, expected to play significant roles at GAFCON in Jerusalem.

GAFCON resource lays foundation

The GAFCON book, The Way, The Truth and the Life, will be released in Jerusalem before the conference opens.

The 94-page volume is published by Latimer Trust and was prepared by the GAFCON Theological Resource Team.

It provides the theological and historical foundation for the movement of orthodox Anglicans.

Contributors include Dr Mark Thompson, Academic Dean of Moore College, Dr Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill Theological College, England and is chaired by Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, Bishop of Asaba and Archbishop of Bendel, Nigeria.

GAFCON begins on Sunday, June 22 in Jerusalem.

Over seven days, Anglican leaders and lay-people representing 75 per cent of the Anglican Communion will meet for prayer, bible study and worship.

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