A coalition of religious groups calling for a rethink Australia's approach to abortion, believes Government could dramatically slash abortion numbers just through better education and support services for women.

Tracey Gordon, spokesperson for the Social Issues Executive of Sydney Diocese, told ABC radio's Religion Report yesterday that a key step would be to make pre-abortion counselling mandatory.

A similar mandatory counselling scheme in South Australia had led to a 25 per cent reduction in abortions, she said.

Ms Gordon said giving birth could be made a more appealing option for some women currently considering abortion, if appropriate financial assistance was available.

Government should also consider "work-place reform' that made part-time work more feasible for prospective mothers, she said.

The religious coalition includes the Roman Catholic Church, the Assemblies of God, Baptists, Presbyterians as well as Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu leaders.

A full transcript of the interview with the Religion Report is available at ABC Online.

For further information see Sydney stories: No secret abortion agenda, says Church