The first entry in a new sponsored blog from Anglican National Super, looking at different ways in which we can show good stewardship. We’d love to hear your ideas or comments below.

Everyone likes their clothes to be comfortable, well-made and well-priced.

How would you feel knowing that the cotton in your clothes came from farms that exploit children – perhaps picking cotton for 70 hours per week, deprived of education, health care or any proper wages?

Would those clothes seem so good to you if they were sewn in factories by underpaid workers, risking death in unsafe, crowded conditions, controlled by poverty and the fear of losing what little they earn?

Faced with these moral questions, it’s easy to lose heart and feel that the problem is just too big to address.

Yet, among the growing band of ethical investment houses, ethical producers and advocacy groups, ANS wants to say to you, “Don’t be discouraged; be educated!”

Things you can do:

Buying smart: the next time you see a ‘ridiculously cheap’ piece of clothing, remember that the people who made it were probably not paid properly. You don’t need it, so don’t buy it.

Read: Get a copy of Behind the Barcode, a report from Baptist World Aid and the International Labour Rights Forum, which shines an ethical light on the Australian fashion industry and 128 brands sold in this country.  

Invest wisely: make sure your superannuation fund is an ethical one, such as Anglican National Super, investing only in companies that are maintaining the highest corporate, social and governance standards. Consider your personal investments as well. If you want to find out more, contact ANS on 1300 364 984 or go to Anglican National Super Ethical Investment

Become an activist: check out how you can make a difference in your sphere and beyond. Don't Trade Lives / Stop the Traffik  

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