A big vision is compelling and inspiring. A big vision looks beyond what is possible with man, to consider what is possible only with God, and for God. 

Here's the vision of NewSpring Church:

Recently, I've seen some great vision videos, created by churches to stir up a passion for a 'preferred future', a reality that is not yet - all to the glory of God. Here's a couple of Australian examples for your encouragement. 

Creek Road (Brisbane)

2020 Vision - Part 1 - Reach the City from Creek Road on Vimeo.

MBM St Albans Anglican (Sydney)

These are inspiring and encouraging, aren't they? Tony Morgan explains some of the benefits of a clear vision:

  1. Clarifies the purpose of the organization
  2. Pursues a preferred future
  3. Inspires people to engage
  4. Makes it easier to define what the organization won’t do

Have you seen other examples of unifying and inspiring church or ministry visions?

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