The Yasur volcano was booming in the background. But it was hard to tell whether the ground rumbling was attributable to Yasur or the energetic, foot-thumping traditional dancing in Yenmelin, a little village on Vanuatu’s Tanna Island.

The reason for the dancing? The dedication and launch of the New Testament in the Nivhaar language, one of the 100 languages of Vanuatu.

Yenmelin village is a long way from Sydney but the partnership of several Sydney Anglican churches has allowed Ross and Lyndal Webb of Wycliffe Bible Translators to work in Vanuatu and assist in the 10-year translation project.

As administrators they weren’t on the ground in the village all those years – rather they were mentoring Ken and Mendy Nehrbass from the United States and assisting them as they helped the local people finish this huge task.

In 1982, after graduating from Moore Theological College, the Webbs were ‘sent out’ to Papua New Guinea by St John’s, Sutherland. Partnering with St John’s, Campsie, St Luke’s, Hornsby Heights and St Jude’s, Dural, the Webbs were closely involved in the translation of the Irumu New Testament and the Psalms which were released in 1997 – and again in a revised version in 2011.

St John’s, Beecroft also joined in the partnership some years ago, making Bible translation in the Pacific quite a Sydney Anglican affair! 

The partnership has been a long-term one and a fruitful one – but the needs go on in Vanuatu, with some 60 languages still requiring help to get God’s word into their mother tongue.