Introducing God, the evangelistic course designed to reach 21st century Westerners, is now being used to reach out to overseas guests with limited English.

New believers Chilean Cesar Verdujo and Korean Brad You were baptised at Annandale Anglican Church last weekend.

They both commited to Christ for the first time a few weeks ago on the ‘Introducing God weekend escape.’

"It has been the most incredible experience", says Cesar. "Jesus is so important to me " and his word!"

The Introducing God hosts redecorated a side room of the Annandale church building, making it feel like a lounge.

In this relaxed, comfortable atmosphere, they read the Bible passage that the talk was based on, explaining any difficult words to their guests.

In a normal Introducing God course, the guests are encouraged to disagree with the speaker as vehemently as they like.

But in this easy-English group, the guests were very keen to find out what the Bible actually said.

Hosts like Haydn Sennitt used the notes in the Introducing God booklet, and the illustrations used in the talk, to review and reinforce what had been said.

"You can put things in their terms", he says.

"It was a very good exercise in communication. Using Introducing God we explained things in a way that wasn't full of jargon and too high brow. They did get it!"

Last month, the group spent a weekend in a house in Blackheath.

"We were able to get to know each other really well", says Haydn. "It was very good to relate on a much deeper level."

Brad says he found a relationship with God has filled his deepest need.

"Without God it all means nothing. You just live yourself", he says.

"It's like an empty box. You try and fill the box with water, but it just goes down, it's never gonna be filled up. You need God to fill up your box!"

More information about the course is available by calling Nicki on 9660 2444 or visiting the Introducing God website.

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