Sunday, March 29th is a day of prayer against the pandemic and Archbishop Davies is urging Christians to 'devote themselves to prayer'.
In a video recording from an empty St Andrew's Cathedral, Dr Davies continued his call for Anglicans and all Christians to pray that the spread of Coronavirus be stopped.
"Prayer is our best weapon against the forces of darkness and this virus, part of a fallen world, is exactly that. God is in control but this virus is doing a deadly work around the world," he said.
"We have a God who answers prayer and I wonder whether you might think of 19:00 hours, Covid 19, that's 7 pm, to particularly pray at 7 o'clock tonight. In fact, why don't you pray at 7 o'clock every night, a reminder of Covid 19 and a reminder of our dependence upon God."
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2
The Archbishop gave practical tips about praying personally for family, friends and our communities.
"Think about whom you're going to pray for. There'll be lots of people who feel isolated and stranded in this situation. Perhaps take out a pen and pencil now, or your tablet, and write down some names of people whom you could pray for and then after you've written their names down, think of contacting them, letting them know that you're praying for them and encourage them and support them in whatever way you can."
The Archbishop commended the clergy who, with only days notice, brought together resources to put churches online.
"I've been so delighted with the clergy of our diocese, the ministers who are labouring under the stresses of these live streams but putting their best foot forward so that you can hear the word of God coming into your own lounge room. So that we can encourage you as the saints."
"Let us be a prayerful, watchful and thankful diocese, seeking to serve God where we are."
Reading from Colossians 4:2, the Archbishop said the Apostle Paul, writing from prison, could have been desolate and despairing. "But he was upbeat because of the God in whom he put his trust and he writes to the Colossians and says these words - devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Let us be a prayerful, watchful and thankful diocese, seeking to serve God where we are. Seeking to serve the Saints who might be some sorely affected by this coronavirus and seeking to serve those in our community who don't know the love of Christ, that we might be watchful for them and pray for them. May God bless you this day and throughout the days of this crisis."