A new children's minister is making a big difference to kids ministry in a small suburban church.

Melinda McKane, 20, has been employed as a part-time children's minister at St John's, Padstow this year and her presence is already being felt.

The church completed a holiday Kids Club that was attended by over 50 children during the school holidays.

"We advertised through local schools where we do scripture and put up posters at the local shops. We did a good job of reaching kids and saw a lot more than we usually get," Ms McKane says.

St John's employed Ms McKane this year as a children's minister for two days per week. Melinda is currently studying at Youthworks College.

"At college we spend an intensive period doing children's ministry training," she says.

"Last year I spent two weeks of classes learning to write children's talks and puppet plays, and practicing drawing and things that are really practical for kids' ministry."

The Narnia-themed kids club ran from 9am to 1pm, Wednesday April 26 to Friday April 28. Over 50 children aged from three to 13 attended, including many visitors.

According to the rector of St John's, the Rev Richard Blight, the large kids' club attendance has been a great boost to the church, particularly given its recent history.

"We are a small church at Padstow. We only restarted our Sunday school just over three years ago," he says.

"We now have two small Sunday school groups each week plus a primary age Kids Plus group each Friday during term."

Very few young adults attend St John's, so the church is regularly stretched for leaders.

"While we had a good number of local volunteers to help, there is no way we could have done the holiday club without lots of outside help," Mr Blight says.

"I had family and friends from Youthworks College and people from as far as Wollongong and Windsor helping out," Ms McKane says.

Melinda put in hours of work preparing the program but Mr Blight says there is still work to be done.

"God willing, the locals will be able to follow up on the contacts. We are having a special Sunday [service] this week on the message behind The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and a video review of the kids club," Mr Blight says.

Mr Blight believes larger churches have a role to play in assisting smaller churches in running kids clubs and similar outreach events.

"I would like to encourage anyone who is able, especially those from better-resourced churches, to help out the smaller churches to run community outreach events like this."

"Without the outside support there is no way we would be able to run such a fantastic event."

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