More than 15,000 people have done the Introducing God course in lounge rooms, small groups, restaurant settings and one to one since its release 18 months ago.

But Introducing God's author Dominic Steele says what caught the Today Show's eye was people thinking and talking about God in the place they least expected " the earthy environment of an inner city pub.

“Reporter Mike Dalton and a camera crew came along to Introducing God at the Roxbury Hotel at Glebe, and interviewed us, the hosts, the guests and the barman in a special report for Good Friday,” said Dominic (who also heads up the Christians in the Media network ministry and is the minister of Annandale Anglican Church).

“It was very appropriate as that night in Introducing God the focus was on the extraordinary significance of the death of Jesus,” he said.

This particular Introducing God course was conducted in the part of the hotel that is used on Wednesday night for the trivia competion and on Friday for the band concert.

“I think they were impressed that we were meeting people on their ground, and that the discussions were obviously open, comfortable and friendly,” Dominic said.

“It's not that radical for Christians in the Media as a lot of our meetings have been held in very relaxed environments where people feel safe to discuss important matters openly.

“We have the forum question and comment segment at our weekly Sunday meetings and then people are often having late night dinner discussions at the North Annandale Hotel afterwards.”

The Today Show report on Introducing God in the pub screens nationally on Good Friday on the Nine Network.

For more information on evangelism course visit the Introducing God website.

Dominic Steele will also be leading a forum discussion on Dan Brown's Da Vinci code at Christians in the Media next Sunday night April 3.  See the St. Aidan’s website for details.