Two CMS missionaries based in Japan are helping to use the culture’s fascination with ‘manga’ comics to teach a new generation the Bible’s view of love, sex and marriage.

The distinctive "manga' style is a now worldwide phenomenon, made popular by hit comics and TV shows such as Pokemon.

Grahame and Cathy Smith are working with the Christian student ministry group Kirisutosha Gakusei Kai (KGK) who came up with the Manga strategy.

The group has published a book called ISHU to ISHA (the Japanese transliteration of the Hebrew for Man and Woman), illustrated with manga-style drawings to explain everything students want to know about sex, but are afraid to ask.

"The book is a best seller, partly for its frankness in dealing with the issues," says Grahame.

"The Manga section illustrates typical scenarios confronting students. There is also a section on Biblical teaching, and an essay by a doctor on some of the physical aspects of sexuality."

Building on the success of the book, KGK is organising a conference on the themes of love, sex, and marriage at which Grahame, a health professional, will be present.

"I will be attending with our local staff team, mainly as a resource person,” he says.

“We hope the conference will help students think through sexual issues before they a faced with situations that are very difficult to resolve pastorally."

"Learning positive ways for males and females to relate, encouraging male leadership and avoiding sexual temptation are three areas that need to be raised," Grahame explains, reflecting on modern Japanese culture.

“They’re not often talked about in churches,” he admits.

“And there are many students who are hurting from difficult family situations, and the issue of homosexuality is becoming more prominent."

Grahame and Cathy have four kids and are based in Kobe, the large, international port city in western Japan that suffered a devastating earthquake in 1995.

"Cathy and I will also be hosting the next "222 Club' meeting on the topic of "Sex, Marriage and Ministry on 12 December,” he says.

“You might pray about that and our own marriage. Modeling is a powerful teaching tool."

Drawings courtesy of Marchetto and Sita

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