Nathan Brown and Julian Price have begun an epic journey by motor bike which will take them from India to England, crossing some of the world’s most desolate and dangerous territory along the way.

The point? Encouraging Christians doing it tough for God. Click here to read their first blog as they pick up their wheels in Dehli…

Yo from Dehli

When we flew out of OZ to begin our moto mision, which would take us through India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Syria; we had some pre-conceived ideas about these countries…..
India - We had heard lots about the insane traffic, the crowds, the smell, the dirt, the poverty and the love affair these people have with cricket and Bollywood. This is all true, but what we didn’t hear about was the different way these people see life….

Pastor George…
Our first hook-up in Dehli was a man only known to us as Pastor George, a man we’d never met. We knew he was a pastor who loved the Lord, who’s wife had died in sudden circumstances some years ago and left him living by himself in a small unit in central Dehli. What we found was a man who walks with the Lord in all he does, depends on him for all his provision and is committed to sharing the gospel in every aspect of his life.

Pastor George lives a very basic life, he’s careful with his rupees, but so generous to us it’s humbing. He’s showed us how to get around, how to bargain with the rickshaws and the street vendors but also how to be genuine when approaching people that also have pre-conceived ideas about westerners.

We’ve been honoured to participate in a baptism this week for some new believers who travelled 16 hours by bus especially to come to Pastor George. We joined a home group and worshiped God loudly with singing, prayer and devotion with Indian brothers and sisters, while the Hindus outside burned their idols during a Hindi festival…

Pastor George faces such need on a day to day basis. Pray for Pastor George as he struggles to meet his people.
A little girl in the traffic…
The traffic in Dehli is total mayhem - anything goes!. 

On our way back from meeting with Pastor George’s home group, a small girl of not more than 4, stood in the sliver of a gap between us and a huge truck and tapped on the window of our car- she spoke no english- and we not much hindi- but she offered us balloons, for the festival taking place that night, and held out her hand for some rupee… she seemed so small next to the massive trucks in the traffic. Such is the poverty in India. Everywhere there are beggers. Many are young children who are part of organised begging rings…

Put one up for the young girl + her friends taking on the traffic of Dehli…
The Royal Enfield
Making a snap decision to ship a bike to India means we would be waiting four weeks for its arrival with no wheels to get us around. Our plan was always to get 2 bikes, but every way we turn we’ve been stymied by India bureaucracy. Apparently the phrase ‘covered in red tape’ came from India.

To get mobile we’ve been hitting the streets of Karol Bagh, the mecca for motorbikes in Dehli. It’s true, secondhand dealers are the same the world over - anything to close a deal! We’ve been negotiating for two days already and we are still working on a sweet deal for a bike that will carry us around India and hopefully beyond.

The Royal Enfield is the crown of the Indian roads and really the only bike suitable for the job. Built on reliable, albeit ancient technology, they add class to the streets of Karol Bagh that are otherwise lined with non descript Hondas, Yamaha and Bajaj’s.
May God provide for us a sweet ride. Put one up for us…

- As we consider diverting to Kashmir to help out with the earthquake relief effort next week; we’re talking to some Christian relief workers in the area

- For our friend Marie and the work her organisation is doing amongst Hindu people

- For a help to break down the language barrier

- Thanks to the good Lord for opening our eyes to his power if we rely on him in everything we do

Yours hopefully on two wheels,
J-Lo and Nato

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