Andrew Lim has taken on the daunting task of organising a men’s conference for Sydneysiders left aimless by the women’s EQUIP conference at Darling Harbour on May 27. This is his blow-by-blow, week-by-week account of the bridges he crosses as he brings the TRAIN men’s conference from fantasy-land to reality.

Blog 3

Ah, the Australian “tall poppy syndrome”...

There’s nothing quite like it for discouraging effort and initiative, and putting people back in their perceived place, and holding back progress…

The positives of it are that it keeps you humble before God, and once you sift through the dross of “feedback”, you may unearth something helpful to your cause.

On that note, I’m grateful for the “feedback” I’ve received on the TRAIN conference.

There are a few nuggets of wisdom worth listening to there.

On the other hand, I’m also immensely grateful for the massive support it’s receiving from most quarters.

I’m learning of some unexpected allies and friends.

Thanks and praise to our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ! May He receive all the glory and honour.

Andrew is's resident digital scholar and the pastor of the new Asian Bible Church (ABC), a congregation of St Andrew's Cathedral, Sydney.

Click here to read Andrew’s previous post